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 Travailler en équicoaching ce n'est pas une lubie de cavalier ou de la mise en objectif froide. C'est un outil qui permet de retrouver son centre, de respecter sa sensibilité, d'apprendre à prendre sa place et à évoluer par le biais de l'expérience. C'est un rapport au monde et à la vie, qui rompt avec une culture du forcing et de la dominance et qui est porteur d'une vision holistique (coeur, corps, esprit) et systémique.

Equicoaching bruxelles

A triangular process

Equi-coaching is a triangulating process that involves a human coach, a person who consults him (consultant or client) and a horse. 


It is a coaching session facilitated by the presence of a horse in freedom (!) in which the horse is a coach or a therapist in its own right. It is not a tool. He is an individual, collective and systemic facilitator. 


The session takes place in a square of sand (not a circle), of earth, of meadow, large enough for the horse to have the choice of coming into contact or not. This session generally lasts 1h30 in the presence of the three parties.. 


This support process is based on specific training in the profession of equi-coach for the human coach, which implies for him to develop an equal knowledge of humans and horses in an approach of equality and humility in the face of to his horse partner. He will also have strong ethics and will offer adequate living conditions for the horse(s) (life in a stable herd all year round). 


It is therefore NOT


- an equestrian accompaniment on foot, nor horse riding 

- a session in a round pen with a rope or a riding crop (that, at best, is simulacrum and reinforcement of the ego, at worst, it's dangerous)

- support reserved for a particular public  

- yet another "horse trick" 

- An association between a "classic" coach with a riding teacher who would develop exercises centered on leadership 


Each Equicoach also has its own basic baggage. So you will find shrinks, coaches, HR consultants, physiotherapists or even marketers ... depending on what you need, choose well. For me, the pagesfavorite themesAndin regards toof this site will inform you about my specificities and my background. 

Bijoux de noel


For who?


For everyone, regardless of age and regardless of your knowledge of horses. It is a relational support that takes place in the presence of a horse that you do not ride. This will particularly speak to you if you feel out of step, over-adapted, if you have trouble taking your place, if you have great sensitivity and need to live authentic and strong experiences, to find a link._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


For which themes?


For as many themes as there are in coaching:private,professional, individual, collective, systemic. For example: transcending family patterns, leadership, self-esteem, finding your place, learning to assert yourself in a serene and firm way (assertiveness), welcoming your emotions, testing your beliefs and projects, taking an adult position within its various relationships, promote greater team cohesion, ... 


For what effects?


Unblocking, setting up aligned projects, increasing serenity, self-esteem. Increased awareness, high degree of coherence, relational appeasement, improvement of relational skills and group cohesion, generaloss of meaning, exit from blocking or toxic patterns. 



Why does it work so well and so quickly? - 

Horse Mirror 


The horse reflects us in our entirety, in our emotions, our more unconscious and subtle dimensions, far beyond our speech, our outward signs of wealth, intellect, social position, supposed confidence.


You never lie to a horse. Champion of the non-verbal, the horse probes us, captures us and makes us  progress in record times in comfort or discomfort depending on our degree of authenticity. The awareness being made in the moment and through an experience integrating all of our components, the awareness and/or the change is therefore immediate and lasting. 



the coherence between the mind, the heart, the spiritual, the body 


Since the horse does not bother with our verbal communication, it will react to our degree of congruence; that is to say on our overall coherence in what we release at the emotional, unconscious and systemic level. The horse will thus make it possible to validate or modify with the person, what he wants to work on during his session with the equi-coach.


We thus openthe door to accompanimentsExtraordinary, integral, holistic and systemic developments where emotional intelligence and intuitive sensitivity regain their former glory and allow you to find balance and serenity.      

In practice 

Whether it is for individuals where the companies, we give you an appointment in Jezus-Eik where the sessions take place in the open air 10 minutes from Brussels in an enchanting setting and very easily accessible by public transport. Bring an outfit adapted to the weather and closed shoes in any case. 


We don't go up NOT on horseback and it is not horse work. The horse is not forced and no knowledge of horses is required.


It's an extraordinary experience to find yourself in your singularity. 

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©2022 by Diana Van Oudenhoven, Where the Magic Happens. Created with

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